Vision & Goal

My vision is to become a pioneer within my field.  In addition, I want to stay on top in terms of skills, new innovations, and technologies.

My goal is to provide quality technology and instructional design solutions to clients. Also, to remain flexible, adaptive, and able to meet the ever changing and evolving demands of clients.

Teaching Philosophy

My philosophy of teaching evolved from many years of teaching experience. As I reflect on my beliefs regarding teaching and learning, I find that my mission as a teacher is threefold: to promote positive learning; to spark learner enthusiasm for learning; and to provide a strong foundation for lifelong learning.

Positive learning experiences both enables and encourages learners to learn to the best of their abilities and to constantly strive for excellence. Providing positive feedback, applying the iterative process properly, engaging learners in a positive manner, and serving as a positive exemplar are useful approaches to fostering positive learning experiences.

Sparking learner enthusiasm promotes an attitude that sustains ones pursuit to constantly improve and learn throughout a lifetime. It has been my experience that engaging learners in a way that is challenging yet rewarding helps to promote enthusiasm. As an educator, facilitator, and collaborator it is also important to have a genuine passion for the subject matter while interacting with learners.

Finally, it is our responsibility as educators and mentors to foster self-regulation in our students and to help them to understand and reflect on their intellectual growth over time. Goal setting and reflection on previous accomplishments can help set the stage for continuous growth.

These are the underlying concepts, I feel, that help lay the foundation for successful and meaningful lifetime learning.